EU/UK Import & Export

Our Services

EU/UK Import & Export

Our specialist customs team is renowned worldwide for its experience and innovation in the field of import, export and special customs procedures. Together we have over 60 years’ experience in this complex area and have processed several thousand aircraft clearances since 1981.

Our extensive list of services include:

• Full import and temporary admission
• Customs warehouse, special procedures and broker solutions
• UK Air Passenger Duty Representation
• Export from UK and EU
• Special mission work

Our specialist customs team is renowned worldwide for it experience and innovation in the field of import, export and special customs procedures. Together we have over 60 years' experience in this complex area and have processed several thousand aircraft clearances since 1981. Services include: • Full import and temporary admission • Customs warehouse, special procedures and broker solutions • UK Air Passenger Duty Representation • Export from UK and EU • Special mission work

Contact our Experts

Angie Deady-Fiddler

Customs Director

+44 1279 810 023

Phill Rawlins

Customs & Technical Director

+44 1279 810 022

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Contact our Experts

Angie Deady-Fiddler

Customs Director

+44 1279 810 023

Phill Rawlins

Customs & Technical Director

+44 1279 810 022


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